So I figured it would be easier to start a blog instead of sending an email every so often to chronicle my times in Korea.
But I haven't actually gotten to Korea yet! I'm in San Francisco visiting my friends Andrew and Raquel, who apparently live in an area called "The Mission". It turns out that a lot of these missionaries are either early to mid twenties hipsters, or hispanic and latina.
Today Andrew, his mom and brother, Raquel and I went to a park down the street from where they live, and it was immensely crowded, but not to the point where it was too uncomfortable to hang out.
It was a nice park, on a nice sunny day, and to my surprise it was fairly cool. Despite being in California where you'd think that it would be warm in the summer, San Francisco is pretty much surrounded by water on all sides, and so the cool air from the Pacific ocean keeps the city fairly cool.
The most amusing part of the day was how many people came by us and offered an assortment of pot brownies and pot truffles as we sat on a blanket in the middle of this park!
I've also found it amusing last night how tasty a hot dog wrapped in bacon was when you top it with onions, mustard, ketchup, and mayo.
Anyway, I'll write more later. Feel free to comment on any posts, or send me an email at
Wow Jesse, Korea sounds really interesting!